Costume reveal for the Inaugural RunDisney Star Wars Half Marathon

Here it is, a running costume I am very excited about! PIGS IN SPACE!

I'm ready to run as part of the Swinetrek Crew!

I’m ready to run as part of the Swinetrek Crew!

Yes, this is totally in a different direction than my droid 10K costume. Why Pigs in Space? So many good reasons. Dressing as a muppet forces you to refuse to take your race too seriously. How can you not smile?

There’s also no pressure. Pigs are allowed to be slow. Or tired. Or goofy. Actually. They’re just plain fun!

There are so many great costume elements to the Pigs in Space uniforms and they look great when you have a group.

Yes, there is a group of us dressed as Pigs in Space muppets.

I’m a big fan of the original Muppet Show and I love the Sci-fi parody sketch Pigs in Space.

But if you really need a solid Star Wars connection to justify the amazingly fun costumes, the Stars of Star Wars— Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Chewbacca— were guest stars on an episode of the Muppet Show.

And of course, they had to show up on the Swinetrek on Pigs in Space. A highlight has got to be tap dancing C-3PO (yay Anthony Daniels).

“When you wish upon a Star” performed by the Muppets, Stars of Star Wars and Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker’s more musical cousin)

You really get the sense that Mark Hamill (“cousin” of Luke) is just having fun on the show.

Star Wars and the Muppets are now both owned by Disney, but back when this episode was filmed, Empire Strikes Back hadn’t even come out.

This is amazing because the episode ends with a rousing rendition of “When You Wish Upon a Star” complete with castle and fireworks.

If you like Muppets, you should really watch the entire episode. On a side note, Miss Piggy is performed by Frank Oz, the puppeteer and voice behind Yoda.

Pigs in Space Running Costume Details

Pigs in Space Running Costume comparison

Shirt | just a lavender (or grey) running shirt. After all, we want to make sure we are comfortable during the half marathon.

The female Pigs in Space costume (Miss Piggy’s) varies from lavender to pink during the course of the show. Typical of Piggy to constantly change her wardrobe.

Pigs in Space Logos in progress

Pigs in Space Logos in progress

Logo | Gotta love the logo. We made them out of felt, which was fairly simple.

When we set out to find the logo so we could create our own, we ended up finding a template and tutorial on Jade Flower’s blog. I love the internet… if it’s geeky, you can find it. The stars we bought as iron-on patches, but we sewed them on instead.

Pigs in Space First Mate Piggy and Captain Link Hogthrob: The female Swinetrek uniform varies from the male Swinetrek uniform.

Pigs in Space First Mate Piggy and Captain Link Hogthrob: The female Swinetrek uniform varies from the male Swinetrek uniform.

Skirt/shorts |  For us women, we just sewed our sparkle skirts using the same tutorial from Beauty Still Remains that I used for my Mousketeer skirt except with gathered ruffles instead of pleats. For the guys, we found silvery colored shorts (amazingly) and then sewed silvery sparkle stripes on the side.

Ears | To attatch the ears, I opted for a 60’s style wide headband, common to some Miss Piggy has sported in the past. The ears were made out of felt, and then attached to the headband, a metallic silver stretchy fabric.

Headbands were not an option for the guys, whose ears are attached to their running caps. With silver reflective stripes, they look great!

Guys modeling their Pigs in Space running costumes. Remember what I said about being dressed as a muppet and not being able to take things seriously?

The guys modeling their Pigs in Space running costumes.

Collar and Epaulettes | We almost skipped the ridiculous silver epaulettes, but they’re kind of classic.

The epaulettes are basically stuffed round tubes of fabric and the collar is a straight stuffed tube. We opted for a lightweight metallic fabric — lighter than the stretch we used for the headband — so we only attached the collar to the front of the shirt. If you attach it to the back, you can’t get it over your head.

Accessories | No one wanted to run in gloves, but we designed these silver gauntlets that capture the retro flare of the originals. They are made of a very stiff, thick fabric, almost like faux leather. Undo the velcro and they can lay flat so if anyone gets annoyed while running, they can easily be taken off and tucked into a running belt.

Only Dad is sporting the silver cape worn by Pigs in Space Captain Link Hogthrob. He’s doing a shorter distance and it won’t likely get cumbersome for him. It looks glorious, so I think Jason is a little jealous (as we know from his superman running costume, he’s fond of capes).

I’m leaving today for the Star Wars Half Marathon weekend and I’m really looking forward to the Rebel Challenge. Can’t wait! And I’m totally ready to rock this challenge.

Pigs in Space will bring me power!

You may say that I'm

You may say that I’m “Hamming” it up in this photo (I couldn’t help it).

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