Freedomthon 5K recap: New PR!

There are so many races to choose from on 4th of July weekend, but when we started looking, we were enticed by the promise of a pancake breakfast.

The 2014 Freedomthon 5K was also very close by, promised a flag for the last few meters to cross the finish line with, a medal, and a wickedly fast course.

Jason and I managed to convince 3 other people to run with us to join the fun.

Nick and Katie joined us, but Lili was off warming up and didn't make the group photo.

Nick and Katie joined us, but Lili was off warming up and didn’t make the group photo.

I was determined to be red, white and blue for the day, and Jason and I had fun wearing Captain America shirts.

Race day outfit 4th of July

Attaching little white stars to the skirt I sewed for the Tink Half made it a perfect star-spangled addition to race day.

This is the first race I’ve ever run in a tank top (cotton on top of it), but I figured even if it turned out badly, I would only have to suffer for 35 minutes.

I enjoyed running in a tank top, actually, especially on the 2nd half when it started to get warm.

And I wasn’t even out there for 35 minutes because I set a new PR on that super fast course: 31:54.
That breaks my last 5K PR that I just set at the Twilight Run.

Surprisingly, that was just fast enough for another first: I placed in the top three in my age group.

Whoo hoo!

The medals were ridiculously huge! I guess for a 5K, I expect something similar to what we got for the Worst Day of the Year run. This rivals our half marathon medals!
Jason was pleased at how patriotic his runDisney sorcerer Mickey shoes looked– complete with stars and all.

A first for Jason as well: he placed first in his age group and in the top 5 overall. He didn’t quite break sub-20, but it was his fastest time regardless.

Pancakes were pretty good too.

Best part: after the race was over, we rode our tandem back home– with hastily attached crepe paper streamers and American flags.

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